Walking For Good Health Do You Know? Walking Does Not Require Any Fancy Equipment

The simple act of walking 40 minutes a day, can have a profound impact on our overall physical health and wellbeing. Walking with a friend or joining a walking group, keeps you sharp and alert and helps with mental health too.

Wednesday morning regulars Bernard Au and Tengku Yunus


Mondays through Fridays, by 7.30 am, a group of good friends will gather for their morning “ rituals “.

Our walking group members are from ages 50 to 80 years young. Many of us have been walking for more than 20 years, making this our habitual mornings at our club.


From left: Irene, Brian and Wendy Wong


The designated walking path at the 2nd Old Course sparks a joyful ambience, providing a peaceful and safe environment. Occasionally, we will be greeted by cheerful and friendly golfers and field workers too.

The fresh air, free vitamin D, chit chats are therapeutic for a healthy life style. Additionally, the beauty of the majestic trees, sweet melodies of singing birds and occasional monitor lizards swaggering by, all add up to a wonderful morning experience.


From left: KS Tan, Irene, Patrick, Jerry (all done for the morning, heading to the terrace)


After the 5,000 to 6,000 walking steps, we will all head towards the sunny terrace for a reward, a cup of kopi O, “keras keras”. We will be sharing latest news, family highlites, the latest food craze and the good old days.

Pictures here tell a better story.

YL Song