Review of Around the World in 80 Days by Mark Beaumont

“Every mile was a battle, but each pedal stroke brought me closer to proving that with enough determination, the world is within our reach.”


Mark Beaumont’s Around the World in 80 Days is an inspiring account of a modern-day adventure that echoes Jules Verne’s classic tale. Beaumont, a renowned British endurance cyclist, undertook the extraordinary challenge of circumnavigating the globe in 80 days, breaking the previous record set in 2008. His journey, which began in Paris on 2 July 2017 and concluded on 16 September 2017, stands as a testament to human endurance, determination, and the spirit of adventure.

Beaumont’s route took him through a wide array of environments, from the bustling streets of Paris and the vast expanses of the American Midwest to the rugged terrains of the Mongolian steppes and the diverse landscapes of Australia. He cycled through 16 countries in total, each presenting its unique set of challenges and opportunities.

Mission accomplish


His journey involved not only overcoming physical barriers but also navigating logistical and environmental hurdles. Beaumont faced extreme weather conditions, including searing heat in the desert and freezing temperatures in mountainous regions.

One of the significant obstacles Beaumont encountered during his Around the World in 80 Days challenge was the severe weather conditions, particularly in the deserts of the American Southwest. As he cycled through these arid regions, he battled intense heat that reached extreme temperatures, sometimes exceeding 40°C. The relentless heat not only tested his physical endurance but also posed severe risks of dehydration and heat exhaustion. His bike suffered from overheating issues, and the harsh conditions made it challenging to maintain the necessary pace to meet his ambitious goal.

The book not only chronicles the physical journey but also explores the emotional and psychological aspects of such an intense challenge. Beaumont’s narrative vividly describes the highs and lows of the journey, from the exhilarating moments of triumph to the grueling periods of struggle. Despite these obstacles, Beaumont’s determination and resilience propelled him forward.

What struck me most was Beaumont’s unwavering resilience in the face of numerous obstacles. The relentless pace he maintained, despite mechanical issues and extreme weather, is a testament to his preparation and grit. His ability to overcome these challenges and keep moving forward was both motivating and humbling.


Official Guinness World Records presented by Anna Orford in Paris, France


Ultimately, Beaumont completed his journey in 78 days, 14 hours, and 40 minutes, breaking the previous record by nearly 11 days.

Around the World in 80 Days is a captivating and inspiring memoir that brings a modern twist to a literary classic. It is a testament to the spirit of exploration and the determination required to achieve the extraordinary Beaumont’s engaging writing and vivid descriptions make this book a compelling read for adventure enthusiasts and those intrigued by the possibilities of human endurance.