Yoga for Kids… Possible?

On Saturday 9 March, RSGC held its first Yoga for Kids at the Multipurpose Hall. A small group of children eagerly embarked on a unique journey of Yoga for Kids. The class was conducted by Mathu, a certified and experienced yoga instructor. Her experience defied conventional expectations, proving that children’s yoga is not only possible but profoundly impactful.


Channeling our inner Crocs!: Doing the crocodile pose improves spine flexibility and strengthens core muscles


5 minutes before 10.30am, 3 patient little girls were waiting to enter the room of possible zen and exercise behind the wooden door, while 5 little boys were simply being…boys

Attendance was taken and 5 minutes later, 8 children entered the room, only to be greeted by bright sunlight shining through the glass windows, yoga mats, and a gentle voice that resonated warmth and welcome. “Welcome, children,” echoed Mathu the teacher, setting the tone for what lay ahead.


Time to rest!: The moon pose gives the children time to think and reflect while also bringing balance and relaxation


Mathu invited each child to join her and began with a short introduction of, “Hello, what’s your name?”. Each child introduced themselves, forming a bond with her instantly, while also getting to know each other and making new friends. Mathu’s warm and personal approach brought not only calmness to the room but had clearly also calmed the energetic and curious children, especially the boys.

The first activity which Mathu decided to start with was introducing each child to simple animal poses beginning with the crocodile, cobra and camel pose. No moans and groans or objections were raised. Only, “woahhhh this is tricky”


Apart from being disciplined in following the flow of yoga, the class also creates camaraderie that builds confidence and friendships


The second activity was a group activity. This activity encouraged the children to learn how to assist each other with a one-legged pose which led to small giggles and exaggerated funny expressions.

The third activity gradually became harder and challenged the children with their stability and core muscles. The children performed the Superman, the triangle and the backbend pose with determination.

Channeling our inner Crocs!: Doing the crocodile pose improves spine flexibility and strengthens core muscles

The final activity was about awareness and personally, as a parent, this was gold. The children were challenged to be completely still and silent, teaching them awareness. Once they were one with their surroundings, Mathu asked them in a whisper if they could point out where certain sounds were coming from. This exercise allowed the children’s senses to be heightened and to be in tune with what’s around them.

Mathu was clear with her instructions and description. She was also incredibly patient with the children, especially with a particular child who gladly admitted he was impatient and wouldn’t stop chattering. Yes, this kid is my child!


Inhale deeply, exhale joyfully!: Stretching for lung capacity boosts energy and promotes calmness in children


The children were responsive to Mathu’s questions and understood each assignment clearly. There were some smiles, and some giggles, the children were cooperative and interacted well with her.

Overall, due to Mathu’s attentive nature, she guided the children’s 45-minute class with ease. The connection between her and her young students was made instantly without any complication. Yoga for kids? Possible? Very much so!


Mathu conducts classes for adults every Saturday Morning at the Multipurpose Hall. If parents are interested to register their kids (ages 6-12) for yoga classes, please contact Enzo/Mogan at +603-9206 3243/3330 or email