Lady Golf Captain’s Corner [May 2024]

Elevating the Game

T he Ladies Golf Development Programme, organised by the LGSC 2023/24, is set to tee off once again, promising an enriching experience for lady golfers at RSGC. Building upon the success of previous initiatives, this programme aims to empower female golfers by honing their skills and fostering a stronger sense of community within the club.

At the core of the Ladies Golf Development Programme lies a fundamental objective: to cultivate a deeper sense of participation and skill enhancement among our lady golfers. By providing a dedicated platform for skill improvement and knowledge sharing, particularly in the realm of short-game strategy, the programme seeks to elevate the golfing experience for all participants.

This lesson is led by the esteemed RSGC Pro, Ian Warwick, the programme will feature comprehensive lessons divided into three core components: Bunker lessons, Chipping lessons, and Putting lessons. This tailored approach ensures personalised instruction and maximises learning outcomes for all participants.

Criteria to Qualify for a Lesson: To participate in the Ladies Golf Development Programme, participants must have played a minimum of two official club games at RSGC. This criterion ensures that participants possess a foundational understanding of the game and are ready to embark on a journey of skill refinement and improvement.

The benefits of participating in the Ladies Golf Development Programme extend far beyond the confines of the golf course. By empowering lady golfers to enhance their skills and knowledge, the programme:

• Encourages continuous improvement and growth in golfing abilities.

• Enhances the overall golfing experience, fostering a deeper appreciation for the sport.

• Strengthens the sense of camaraderie and community among lady golfers at RSGC.

• Provides a structured and supportive learning environment for golf enthusiasts of all levels.

Ann Hoh Huey Shyan passed her golf test

In conclusion, the Ladies Golf Development Programme stands as a testament to LGSC’s commitment to promoting inclusivity, skill development, and camaraderie among female golfers at RSGC.


We have conducted 3 successful sessions to date, and we look forward to seeing you at the driving range. Do sign up for this complimentary programme if you haven’t done one! We promise to keep you ladies posted on dates of the upcoming sessions.

Congratulations to Candice Lin on achieving a hole-in-one on the 4th New

Congratulations Candice!