Editor’s note [June 2024]

How fast time flies. We have come to the end of another cycle at RSGC with the club AGM on 22 June. New faces step up and we thank those who end their terms volunteering with passion and commitment to keep the RSGC in its position as a premier club with strong traditions and unmatched heritage, where membership is a privilege. In recent months we have seen membership grow as more and more children of our Members take their places as full-fledged Ordinary Members, bringing the average age of our Membership down to perhaps signify the arrival of a new generation and we look forward to the changes this will bring. After all it is we the Members who make the decisions and choose the direction of what we want the RSGC to be for us.

It is also time to express my gratitude to the hardworking members of our Editorial Board of The Circular, who volunteer many hours preparing each monthly edition. We welcome more volunteers to help us do this job, sifting through photographs, interviewing Members, writing and editing articles and making sure our magazine makes a difference in the lives of our Members.

This month’s cover features our club’s continuing commitment to helping those less fortunate than ourselves. You can read the report on our Hari Raya Charity event at HPKK UKM on page 28. This initiative was actually brought to us by one of our Members Young Tun Lan to collaborate with her group JUBILANT, and we are grateful for the opportunity to share this meaningful experience with Members. We hope to continue to include Members in our Charity events.

Our club has been busy not only welcoming Reciprocal clubs to our doors, our Members too have been busy travelling to visit our overseas friends. Reports on our annual visits to Biwako and Nara can be found on page 32. The Ladies Golf Section held their AGM and the Lady Golf Captain’s Corner can be found on page 10.

Our annual Caddie Championship Trophy has been renamed the M Ramayah Cup to honour one of our country’s great professional golfers, who began his golfing career as a caddie right here at the RSGC. This annual event is much looked forward to by our caddies and always sees a hard fight to achieve the honour of being our Caddie Champion. The report is on page 42. Thank you to our Member volunteers who helped as markers and starters.

Speaking of our caddies, the current soaring high temperatures have taken a toll on some of them. I beg our Members to please keep your eye on your caddie while playing out in the unbearable heat. As daily paid workers, their priority is understandably to put food on their table, and many who are not strong or fit (or young!) enough will still sign up to go out and have subsequently suffered in the burning conditions. Most do not have the protection of our UV-treated umbrellas (although there are Members who do carry 2 umbrellas in their bags) and I find it hard to believe that Members will not make sure they provide water for their caddies when stopping at the halfway huts. Our caddies definitely make a difference to our game so let’s make sure we look after them. And please do make sure you look after yourself too. If you feel dizzy or nauseous STOP! There is always another day.

Elsewhere in this month’s edition our intrepid cyclist Editorial Board member Farah Suhanah writes of her exciting experience taking part in the Tour de France’s L’Etape Malacca 2024 ride (page 64) and we were thrilled to receive the article Warga Emas Swimalong, Singalong Golf and Tennis Together written by our very own 2 times SEA Games medallist Chan Chee Keong. More like this please!

As we look forward to our course renovations beginning in the near future, our Heritage section continues the very interesting history of previous course renovation exercises. Page 12.

Enjoy this month’s issue of The Circular. This is your magazine and we welcome your comments.


Editor of the month

Yasmin Yusuff