Zumba Demo

The free trial class was another exciting session for Members and the instructor. Newcomers discovered what a Zumba class looks like. As the instructor, I had another occasion to assess my class and instantly modify the choreographies to keep participants engaged. We received positive feedback as to the great music selection, easy routine to follow, and fitness variation to cooperate with the class. 

The regular Zumba participants reported that Zumba class at the RSGC helps them improve their fitness, and energy levels and improve their coordination. They mentioned that it is a good workout for the brain.  


Brief fitness reports


On average, 60 minutes of a Zumba class can burn between 250 to nearly 400 calories per hour, depending on the individual and how hard one chooses to go during class. Whereas, 60 minutes of walking will burn about 100 calories. The MET (Metabolic Equivalent Task) score of Zumba as a dancing fitness is explained below. Zumba scores 6.0 – a great cardiovascular workout that is, intense enough and performed long enough to maintain or improve your stamina.

When you exercise regularly, you use more energy than people who do not exercise regularly; your energy expenditure is higher depending on the person and the activity, as shown. 


Research paper findings about Zumba activity


Join us, you’ll have so much fun that you’ll almost forget you’re making an intense effort.