Captain’s Corner [July 2024]

Dear Members, As your outgoing Captain, it is my pleasure to share my final message for the July edition of The Circular. At the time of writing, we have several qualified Members contesting for the five available Committee posts.

The outgoing Committee Members, including myself, are committed to ensuring a smooth transition. We will provide a comprehensive handover to the incoming Captain and assist with the appointment of relevant Convenors. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all my fellow TC Members for their dedicated and productive service.

Additionally, I want to thank all of our Members for their support over the past years. As I bid farewell, I reflect on the memorable experiences and friendships forged during my tenure. It has been an honour to serve this esteemed club and contribute to its growth and success. I am confident that the incoming leadership will continue to uphold the values and traditions we cherish. Wishing you all Happy Clubbing!

John Eu
