Editor’s note [July 2024]

Our Circular is moving from strength to strength with the intrepid editors of the Editorial Board working hard to bring you stories of interest, golf competition highlights, action shots of members, tennis tournaments, swimming galas, club entertainment and the healthy state of the natural history of our courses. The latter has proven to be a popular activity for both adults and children. The kids even outshone the adults in the post-tour quiz. Bravo!


My first meeting – Editorial Board


The June Circular is full of action photos of Members teeing off, putting and more in the various competitions this past month. The junior players were particularly impressive in the Junior Invitational Golf Championship held in RSGC. It was a pleasure to see young boys and girls in perfect form executing the perfect tee shots and putting in eagles and birdies. The final playoff was very exciting as well. The Editorial Board invests many hours each month in reviewing and choosing the most suitable photos for publication. Do enjoy the photos.

The Editorial Board would like to welcome Mia Mahmudin as the Senior Executive of Editorial, Public Relations, and Communication. Mia brings seven years of experience as a journalist in a news agency and holds a degree in journalism.

For me, it has come full circle twice. I have served on the Editorial Board for the past two years and will be taking my leave. I have had a pleasant run. I learned a few things about running Editorial Boards, made new friends and wrote some interesting pieces. The main problem I and every Editorial Board faced was the lack of articles contributed by Members. It is like wringing blood from a stone. In the end, members of the Editorial Board had to spin their own travel stories to fill the pages. Having said that, most social editorial boards face this problem, unlike academic journals which carry a competitive edge in the publication of cutting-edge work.


2023 Editorial Board Appreciation Evening


Perhaps the Circular could encourage more Letters to the Editor. After all constructive feedback from Members is our priority. A reply in the next issue is of course expected. To cut costs, a complete transformation to an online-only Circular should be the goal.

I wish the RSGC Committee and my Editorial Board colleagues many thanks for an interesting two years working together as a team. The administrative and technical team have been the backbone of the Circular and require a strong mention in their untiring work. See you all at club events in the future.


Editor of the month

Sharifah Fareeda Alhady