Stay safe: Understanding the Lightning Prediction and Warning System at RSGC

RSGC has embarked on a transformative journey with the implementation of the THOR Lightning Prediction and Warning System, a significant step toward safeguarding its patrons and enhancing operational efficiency. Alerts are displayed on screens within the Club, with strobe lights and sirens providing visual and audible warnings on-site. The mobile application ensures that Members receive alerts directly to their smartphones, regardless of their location within the Club. Additionally, the system provides heat warnings, monitoring temperature and heat indexes to issue alerts when conditions reach potentially dangerous levels. For your safety, let’s gain a comprehensive understanding of the system’s functionality.


The screen provides comprehensive weather and lightning monitoring with various indicators and alerts. It includes energy levels (yellow for groundbased ions and red for lower cloud-based ions) and lightning status (green for all clear, yellow for warning, and red for red alert). The force level measures storm severity, with levels over 2.5 indicating more severe storms. The chart tracks real-time lightning activities over the past 30 minutes. Heat alarm status is indicated by green (all clear), grey (warning 1), and red (warning 2).

Sensors provide current data on temperature, heat index, wind speed and direction, gusts, dew point, humidity, rain today, and evapotranspiration rate.


When a red alert is triggered, indicating a high risk of lightning, the siren, announcement, and, strobe light all activate simultaneously on the RSGC golf course. The siren emits a continuous 60-second blast, while the strobe light continues flashing as long as the red alert is active. The announcement will state:

“Lightning, Lightning, Lightning, Stop All Outdoor Activities, Stop All Outdoor Activities, Please Take Cover, Please Take Cover.”

Meanwhile, on the screen and on the app, the red alert sign will be shown.

The Thor Guard lightning prediction system detects lightning 10-15 minutes before the first strike.

This will give you ample time to seek the nearest safe shelter immediately upon activation.

When conditions are safe, the system signals this with a 20-second siren blast, a 5-second pause, and another 20-second blast. The strobe light stops flashing when it is safe to resume activities. All clear sign will be shown on the screen and on the mobile application. The announcement will state:

“All Clear, All Clear, All Clear, All Activities Can Now Resume, All Activities Can Now Resume.”

Meanwhile, for heat warnings, a red alert sign will be shown on the screens and mobile application, while the announcement will state: “Heatwave Alert, Heatwave Alert, Take Cover and Stay Hydrated.” (x2)


There are 10 strobe lights in total, located as follows: two (2) at the drink hut, four (4) at rain shelters, one (1) at the driving range, one (1) at the swimming pool, one (1) at the main lounge terrace, and one (1) at the tennis court.