Editor’s note [August 2024]

Hello RSGC members… Greetings!!! Hope this note finds everybody well and good. As I look back at my diary, I notice that the last Editor’s note that I penned was four months ago for the April issue of the Circular. And here we are now into the August issue of Circular already. My, how time flies.

Time to visit our New Year resolutions…….

Days come and go silently as we go about our daily lives, and it wouldn’t be long before we find ourselves at the end of 2024 and getting ready to welcome 2025. So, how is everyone doing so far with their New Year resolutions, made at the start of the 2024, if any? Just like corporations reviewing their organisation’s achievements midway through the year against the targets set, likewise, perhaps around this time of the year, it might be good practice and fun too, to check where we stand against what we had set for ourselves at the beginning of the year. I guess it is great if we are making progress towards our goals, but if not, keep working on them so that, at the end of the year, maybe, we will be able to reflect on the year with great satisfaction. New Year resolutions are, of course, personal crusades and commitments of which we answer to no one but ourselves. They are always for our better tomorrow. Even if off course, I believe they still offer us the positives of rebuilding new and better ones with greater resolve and tenacity. 

Merdeka Day

Just like our personal resolutions, the nation will be celebrating its 67th birthday on this 31st August, our “Merdeka Day”. It is always the time when all Malaysians come together to reflect on how far we have come as a nation, the challenges and achievements, the setbacks, and where we are headed as a nation going into the future. The nation continues to face tough external challenges especially with the ongoing geopolitical and trade war developments, whilst at the same time, internal political dynamics and socio-economic challenges make managing and governing our beloved country an unenviable task for any government of the day. Just as the world around us is developing and changing at a fast pace, we pray that this beautiful blessed country will also continue its march forward and all energy will be directed for the greater good of the nation rather than any other agenda. 

Selamat Hari Merdeka Everyone!

On a personal level…

I will always remember August 31st for another reason, besides our country’s national day. It is this day last year that my beloved mother passed on. It feels like only yesterday that she left us. The pain and sadness of losing her remain as recent as ever. Memories with her remains. I am just grateful that my active corporate days ended early and I was able to have more time with her.

It’s always good to find time to connect with our loved ones and friends, nurturing and strengthening the relationships. Our cherished Club, as clearly evidenced, is one such haven with perfect settings for friends and families to strengthen and deepen their bonds

Technological wonders have also made it it easy for us to connect with one another. A phone call or a text is easy and convenient now with the handy device in our hand. All that is needed sometimes is just for us to step up and take the initiatives. 

I had a chance recently to get in touch with two of my friends who had moved to Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, respectively. As a result, I enjoyed a fantastic eleven-day trip to Southeastern Australia. It was a wonderful trip, catching up with friends, travelling, enjoying delicious food and coffee, and golfing in locations that I never would have imagined going. I will save this story for another time.

IN this month’s Circular

In this August Circular, again, we bring you exciting news and articles for your reading pleasure. On page 18, we continue with our articles on the Club’s heritage, and how we began. The Club’s recent AGM proceedings and results are on page 26. On page 32, is the press conference event to announce the results of the 47th RSGC Ladies Amateur Open, which was held in July. On page 56, as usual, Mr. Ian Warwick, our resident pro, is ready to give us more tips on how to be better golfers. On pages 36, 40, and 44 respectively, read about the recent visits to RSGC by our reciprocal clubs from Thailand – The Royal Bangkok Sports Club, from

Japan – The Ryugasaki Country Club, and from Singapore – The Singapore Island Country Club. On page 60 is an article for nature lovers. There are many other interesting articles prepared by the Editorial Board, including book and movie reviews, and travel articles, which I hope members will enjoy reading.

Selamat Hari Merdeka everyone!!! Malaysia Boleh !!!


Editor of the month

Poh Ying Loo