Lady Golf Captain’s Corner [August 2024]

Ready for battle

We are all recovering from the hard work that went into holding the 47th RSGC Ladies Amateur Open Championship at the end of July. I am most grateful to our Tournament Hosts, made up of our Lady Members, who went above and beyond the call of volunteering, reporting for duty at 5.30 am, going out on the course in the hot sun as starters and timers and all the rest of the work we all did together, from packing Goodie Bags and crossover snacks, to welcoming our foreign players. I cannot express my gratitude enough to all our Members who answered our call to help sponsor players who needed help with entry and caddie fees. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It was a truly memorable edition of our club’s biggest golf event. The full report of the event written by Liow Foong Kwan who was our Roving Reporter, will appear in next month’s issue of The Circular.



June ended with the visit of our neighbours from the South, SICC. 

I believe it may have been the very first time that our opponents did not win a single match on the first day. Kudos to our ladies for lifting the C.C .Tan / Leong Hoe Yeng Challenge Trophy, especially those who were playing this annual interport game for the first time. Now we polish our golf clubs for the return match when we travel to Singapore in August.

The winning grandmother’s hold up their winnings

Guess who was the losing team captain? Jocelyn Ng and Ziltawati Tajuddin


The defeated non-grandmothers



The end of June also saw one of our favourite social games, the Grandmothers Challenge. The Grandmothers had to borrow some non-Grandmothers to fill their team and of course we credit these ‘acting Grandmas’ for helping them to win the game and the RM10 the nonGrandmas had to hand over. I will let the photographs tell the story .


The Newboult Cup Finals! Ai-leen Tan and Ai-Dee Wong vs Dorothy Ng and Yasmin Yusuff


The Liew twins back in action for the Newboult Cup


Ready for Round One of the Newboult Cup. Dorothy Ng and Yasmin Yusuf


Newboult Cup semi-finals. Ai-leen Tan and Ai-Dee Wong vs May Ho and Faridah Salim



July saw the fierce fight for the Newboult Cup, played in a partnership Foursomes format. I’m happy to say that, despite the best efforts to unseat us, Ai-dee Wong and I retained the Cup for another year. Enjoy the photographs of the various pairs decked out in matching outfits.


Refreshments at Club Morning



The July edition was a little quieter as we all recovered from the SICC game. Do sign up for the next one.

The weather finally turned and was kinder to us in July. I enjoyed joining Yasmin Yusuff to give a golf test to Her Excellency Maria Angela Ponce, the ambassador of Philippines to Malaysia, who is definitely not a beginner, and we look forward to welcoming her to our games. 


Successful golf test for the Philippines Ambassador


August sees us travelling to Singapore for our return interport with SICC, and the 4 rounds of the Selangor Cup. And of course, the very exciting inaugural Piala Tunku Abdul Rahman Ladies Edition.

We now focus our efforts into planning our Triangular Games towards the end of the year, as it is our turn to host the ladies from the Hong Kong Golf Club and SICC. This is a much-anticipated event and I know our Ladies will do their very best to take the Trophy this year.

What a busy time it has been for the RSGC Ladies, with many more tough competitions and fun events to come. I hope to see you join us!