Lady Golf Captain’s Corner [Sept 2024]

Tournament hosts in Caerus shirts


The 47th RSGC Ladies Amateur Open Championship is done and dusted and we are all grateful for the overwhelming success of the event. From the golf course to Sponsors, prizes to Collaterals, Food and Beverage, to the Prizegiving Lunch, I am so pleased to pronounce the event a success. Considering that planning began in October last year, it was a long road preparing for the biggest event of the club. Now it is time for postmortems and planning to begin for the next edition. I must give my personal thanks to so many people who helped and worked so hard for our event. First of all, I could not have done it without the 20 Tournament Hosts, our RSGC Ladies who sprang into action, arriving at the club before 6 am daily for the duration of the Championship, including Practice Day, and only leaving when everything was ready for the next day. From welcoming players at our Official Hotel, Impiana KLCC, to spending hours out on the course in the boiling heat, handing out crossover snacks and assisting officials with timekeeping and scoring, to keeping a constant eye out for the players’ comfort and wellbeing. Thank you is not enough.

Another big thank you goes to our Sponsors, especially our Member sponsors MKH and AmBank, and I must make particular mention of Omar Salim, our Member who sponsored the exclusive Players Lounge in memory of his late father Dr Agoes Salim, father of our Rukun Negara, a source of pride certainly. After the sponsored Inside Scoop ice-cream ran out (an extremely popular item with the players) he personally ordered more ice cream to make sure there was enough for all including at the Prizegiving Lunch. He was definitely the most popular person at the Players Lounge and was present every single day of the event. Thank you for your incredible support of the RSGC Ladies.

Congratulations to Winnie Ng our Champion, winning the Tuanku Bahiyah Trophy for the second time. I was pleased to welcome young players from across the region, including many WAGR ranked players. Hopefully in the years to come, this event will be first in the players’ calendar.

My gratitude also for the unstinting support of our Club Captain Raymond Yeoh and our Golf Convenor Dilsher Singh who had only just taken over the portfolio and was certainly thrown in at the deep end, handling the biggest event of the club for the first time with enthusiasm. Not easy dealing with the RSGC Ladies for sure!

The Media support ensured we received a huge amount of media value, over RM1.8 million worth. Thank you to all the club staff, caddies, field workers and our Tournament Director Dr Chew and his team of referees and officials.


While LAO preparations went on, our normal Ladies games carried on. This month Club Morning was hosted by LGSC Member Sheryl Long, the highlight of our morning was that for the very first time in remembered history, the Ladies were joined by our Golf Convenor. Talk about hands-on commitment! The photos show our ladies enjoying the post-9-holes refreshment. I invite you to join us and meet other golfing ladies like yourself, meet the LGSC Members and hopefully learn a little more about golf rules and game formats.


In the Club Fixtures this game is known as the Lady Golf Captain’s Team vs Lady Golf Vice-Captain’s Team. As I do not have a ViceCaptain, it was decided that it should be my team vs the Committee’s Team. I am sure I will have much to report on the fun and chaos in next month’s issue.


After years of being told to wait for another renovation project to be completed first, we have finally been given the green light to present plans for the renovation of our Ladies Changing Room. 6 years ago a Resting Room was created which meant the renovation of the front part of the changing room, moving the hair salon and massage room, and creating an exterior entrance for our LGS Storeroom (to facilitate male staff to help us with heavy loads during our events). The rest of our Changing Room remained untouched. There is at present a Suggestion Form placed in the Changing Room inviting all ladies, including non-golfers who also use the Changing Room, to make their suggestions and recommendations. We will then collate all these and begin our plans. The last renovations were led by the Men, which may explain why there is barely space to hang a short blouse in our lockers, let alone ladies’ dresses! So please do give us your suggestions and requests. The design plans and required budget will then be presented at this year’s EGM and we need ALL Lady Ordinary Members to turn up and VOTE IN FAVOUR!

We have a few relatively quiet weeks ahead, after our return interport match with SICC across the Causeway, the finals of the Selangor Cup and we then begin preparing (and practicing!) in earnest for the Triangular in November. This year it is our turn to host the ladies of SICC and HKGC, a reunion much looked forward to. This meeting of the 3 clubs is always fun and competitive and we will try our best to secure a home win.

Meanwhile do check the sign-up sheets in the corridor and join us for a great golfing experience!

Club Morning refreshments with the Golf Convenor