Lady Golf Captain’s Corner [Dec 2024]

Congratulations to new Members Korean couple Seung Hyoun Lee and Heewon Hong on passing their golf test

Congratulations to Tengku A’liaa Muna (second from right) for passing her golf test and we managed to pull her husband Tunku Mohd Alauddin along too


And so we have come to the end of another year, and what a year it has been. It seems that the Ladies Golf Section has not sat still for a moment. It has been a year of growth and success for the RSGC Ladies. We have welcomed a record-breaking number of new lady golfers, whether beginners or with an established handicap. This led to record-breaking entry numbers for our Fixtures and Social Games, a ‘problem’ we welcomed with open arms. This also means that the number of Lady Ordinary Members has grown too which will give us more say in the club Membership and a bigger vote for what we want. An exciting position indeed. The 47th RSGC Ladies Amateur Open also ended on a high note and we look forward to the LAO continuing to grow, increase our WAGR ranking and welcoming a better and larger field. 

One of this year’s highlights was certainly our hosting of the 27th Ladies Triangular Interport Games and you can read the report in this magazine. I am confident that we put on a good show and impressed our HKGC and SICC guests tremendously. Of course, Malaysian food always wins but our ladies certainly played their hearts out on the course and it was a proud moment to lift the Trophy after many years.


One of the goals on the LGSC agenda is to ‘improve the Ladies golf experience’. Over the years we have held regular Rules sessions with qualified referees focusing on different parts of the game of golf. To that end our November Club Morning was a little different from usual. Knowing the Rules is of course a critical part of the game and there have been times on the course where 2 or 3 people would have a different interpretation of a rule. So it was timely to invite our 2 referees, Dennis Mah and Michael Chin to ‘face’ the ladies and make things clear once and for all. The session was fully subscribed and we even had to turn away a man who registered! A big thank you to Dennis and Michael for giving their time for the Ladies.


What happens when you hand over to the Committee to organise their annual competition? I think I shall let the photographs tell the story. I am sure the Men were taken by surprise by the sight of witches, goblins, Minions and Lego-people, even a skeleton, posing for a photo on the putting green. Our Ladies Golf Sub-Committee is indeed extremely creative and our Ladies certainly did not hold back in their creativity either.

As we look forward to another busy year for the RSGC Ladies Golf Section, I would just like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming support and enthusiasm of our Lady Golfers. When a call for help goes out, there is no hesitation to volunteer, whether it be to sit out in the hot sun giving out snacks and drinks, manning hospitality desks, planning and overseeing menus, welcoming guests, packing goodie bags and all the other work that needs to be done to ensure successful events. And thanks go too to the unstinting work done by the Sports Department staff who work all hours for our events. I can only see a very positive future for Ting Low with Ai-Dee Wong the LGS and look forward to the next year.