Essential Apps for Car Owners in Malaysia

Owning a car in Malaysia comes with its own set of challenges, from navigating the bustling streets of Kuala Lumpur to managing maintenance and fuel expenses. Fortunately, several apps are available to help car owners streamline these tasks and enhance…

Mui Ne: Taking on a Vietnamese Challenge

My visit to Sea Links Golf and Country Club Mui Ne was just after sunrise, and the coastal air was tranquil, with just a gentle onshore breeze, which was fortunate as the undulating course is sufficiently challenging without having to…

Review of Around the World in 80 Days by Mark Beaumont

“Every mile was a battle, but each pedal stroke brought me closer to proving that with enough determination, the world is within our reach.”   Mark Beaumont’s Around the World in 80 Days is an inspiring account of a modern-day…

Golfing in Southeastern Australia

I made an 11-day holiday trip to Australia in June this year to the cities of Melbourne and Sydney, meeting and catching up with friends. It was an enjoyable trip. Breakfast at Victoria Market   Melbourne While in Melbourne, I…

The Spine Chiller Par 3 : Ficus elastica

The fig tree Ficus elastica, known as the Indian Rubber Tee, can reach heights of over 30 meters. Similar to F. benghalensis, this species additionally releases out aerial roots that, when they touch the ground, develop into woody trunks. In…

Understanding Frozen Shoulder: A Guide to Recovery

In our ongoing injury management and recovery series, we explore common injuries, their causes, symptoms, and treatments. Today, we focus on frozen shoulder, examining its nature and symptoms, as well as practical exercises and treatments for recovery and improved mobility.…

Generosity in Full Bloom

  “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give” – Winston Churchill   Caddie thanks Frankie Cheah for the donation   On 1 August 2024, the atmosphere was filled with excitement and…

A Toast to Success: The Club’s Recent Wine Tasting Event

The Club’s recent Wine Tasting Event at The Green proved to be a resounding success, drawing an enthusiastic crowd of approximately 60 members. The event showcased a selection of exceptional New Zealand wines and received overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees,…