Saturday Roast Lamb Special at the Main Lounge

Indulge in the succulent flavours of the Saturday Roast Lamb Special at the Main Lounge, a culinary delight meticulously crafted by Chef Shakil. This roast lamb dish will definitely suit your palate as the juicy and tender slices will surely…

Wonka Has Startup Lessons for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

There is more than meets the eye about the movie Wonka. It is not just an update of a beloved classic, but this version brilliantly shows important business lessons that aspiring young entrepreneurs should note. Coming out of the theatre…

In Celebration of World Malbec Day

While few of us need a reason to drink a glass of Argentine Malbec, World Malbec Day on April 17 gives us all permission to drink the ‘hero’ grape from South America’s largest wineproducing nation. It was on this date…

Salzburg’s Alpine Challenge

Fast greens are a feature of the golf course’s parkland setting   The noted 19th-century German adventurer and geographer Alexander van Humboldt visited Salzburg in Austria and commented, “This is one of the most beautiful regions on earth.” Others have…

From Climbing Trees for Fun to Becoming an Arborist

As the resident Horticulturist in RSGC, actively involved in Arboriculture courses and training all year round. Climbing trees is one part of the course. In Malaysia, tree climbing is not a recent activity. A series of training sessions had been…

A Royal Family Sunday Lunch at The Rotunda

In his speech at the Piala Agong prizegiving lunch, His Majesty mentioned that he had just heard about another food outlet at RSGC to which he had never been invited nor heard of. Members at the lunch realised he was…

Refined Rioja Reds and a Rosado

Pujanza Hado is a superb wine to accompany dishes of red meat Spain trails just behind Italy as the second-largest wine-exporting nation, so it’s safe to say that the Spaniards know a thing or two about making great wines. Historical…