Zumba Demo

The free trial class was another exciting session for Members and the instructor. Newcomers discovered what a Zumba class looks like. As the instructor, I had another occasion to assess my class and instantly modify the choreographies to keep participants…

Introduction to Squash57

On 17 and 20 April 2024, RSGC’s squash court welcomed Major S. Maniam, a standout figure in squash. Renowned as a top-tier squash coach and the Malaysia National Squash Director, Major Maniam brings unparalleled expertise and passion to the court.…

The M Ramayah Cup 2024 Celebrates Caddie Tradition

The M Ramayah Cup, formerly known as the Annual Caddie Golf Competition, unfolded on April 29, 2024, marking a significant celebration dedicated to the invaluable role of caddies. This esteemed tradition, now in its 54th year, holds deep significance as…

Kanucha Resort’s Inaugural Visit to RSGC

RSGC has established reciprocal or affiliation arrangements with eight golf clubs in Japan but has yet to forge any connections in Okinawa. With this latest addition, Kanucha Resort marks RSGC’s first reciprocal club in Okinawa, Japan.   Group photos featuring…

Captain’s Corner [June 2024]

Dear Members, As we reach mid-year, the Club is well entrenched with our Interport matches for Golf and Tennis. The golf fraternity has returned from Osaka after our friendly matches with Nara International Golf Club and Biwako Country Club, as…

A Journey of Golf and Hospitality in Nara, Japan

The journey of camaraderie and sportsmanship continues as RSGC Members embark on a memorable visit to the Nara International Golf Club (Nara). For many, including myself, returning to Nara for the second time is a testament to the allure of…